=== Social Access Control === Contributors: Justin at Multinc Donate link: http://multinc.com/wp/donate Tags: access, social, privilege, protect Tags: social privacy, social, privacy, private, protect, restrict, restriction, permit, permission, permissions, rights, allow, access, categories, post, url Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 2.6.3 Stable tag: 1.1 Per-post and per-category access control == Description == Based on the 3rd-party [Category Access](http://www.coppit.org/blog/archives/173), this plugin provides the core functionality for restricting the access permissions of posts. This gives you the ability to permit only specific registered users to read certain posts or certain categories of posts. This plugin is part of the [Social Privacy](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/social-privacy/) set of plugins and it's recommended that you install the entire set at one time to get complete control over access to your posts on your blog. = More details = The 3rd-party Category Access plugin provides the core functionality for restricting the access permissions of posts to certain registered users. For each user you can list the categories that he or she should have access to. New features have been added to our version of this plugin to allow access to be restricted to specific users on a per-post basis, regardless of the categories. The plugin has also been enhanced to work well with the other plugins in Social Privacy. For this reason, our release of this open-source plugin has been renamed Social Access Control. == Installation == 1. Upload `social-access-control` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress = Configuration = * For general settings and to control per-category access, go to the Admin 'Settings' page and select 'Social Access Control'. * To control per-post access, go to the 'Social Access Control' section on the Write/Manage Post page. * To control per-category a user-by-user basis, edit the user's profile. * For other settings and issues, refer to the original Category Access readme file (`readme-old.txt`) = Uninstallation = If you decide to deactivate this plugin, you may not want all your restricted posts to suddenly become visible to everyone. If that's the case, you can convert all the restricted posts to the standard WordPress "private" mode before deactivating the plugin. * To privatize/unprivatize posts, go to the 'Social Access Control Privatize/Unprivatized Posts' from the Plugin page and select 'Privatize Post' from the 'Manage' tab == Frequently Asked Questions == = What happens if I decide to deactivate or uninstall this plugin? = Your protected posts can remain hidden from public view. See the [Installation instructions](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/social-access-control/installation/) == Screenshots == 1. Controlling per-category access 2. Controlling per-post access 3. Controlling per-category access on a user-by-user basis 4. To privatize posts before deactivating this plugin (or to unprivatize posts after re-activating this plugin)