0.8.2 (Tue Nov 6 2007) - Added a workaround for a WordPress bug that was causing the padlock to appear on static pages when a protected category was selected. (Thanks to for the bug report.) - Added WordPress 2.3 support (Thanks to James Wurster for the patch.) - Moved the padlock in the category list to after the name. - Fixed a bug that was causing problems for people running the German translation. (Thanks to Moritz Mueller for bugfix.) 0.8.1 (Wed Aug 1 2007) - Added "Check all categories" and "Uncheck all categories" buttons to the options and user pages. (Suggested by David Katz ) - Fixed a bug where category filtering would sometimes fail, especially for things like RSS fields. (Thanks to Tim Lockwood for the patch.) - Fixed a problem where post titles would be protected in situations where they shouldn't be, such as in the dashboard comment list. (Thanks to Joe Church for the bug report.) - Updated the wp-commentsrss2.php modification in the README for WP 2.2 or newer. (Thanks to Aniesh Joseph for the bug report.) - I also fixed a problem in the comments RSS modification documentation where posts would be entirely removed, even if you had enabled "Show the title and links (but not the summary or content) instead of hiding posts." - Changed the options page so that it uses Javascript and CSS to show only the visibility options for only the selected class of users. This cleans up the interface and allows for possible future support of roles. - When surfing to the permalink for a protected post, the user will now be redirected to the login page if they cannot view the post and are not logged in. Note that after logging in, they may still see an Error 404 if they do not have permissions to view the post. (Thanks for the feature suggestion by Jason Holtslander .) - CSS styles are now used for protected titles, posts, categories, and padlock icons. (Thanks to Tyler Gore for the suggestion.) - Fixed a bug where the padlock icon HTML was being inserted into the category link title. - Fixed a bug where the previous and next post links would always be protected if the post for the current page was protected. 0.8.0 (Wed Apr 25 2007) - Added MySQL 4.0.x compatibility (Thanks to Giorgio A. Schwarz for the patch.) - Set the priority for this plugin to really low, so that other plugins can have a chance to work on comments and such without interference. (Thanks to Ian Beck for the bug report.) - Added support for internationalization. The first language is German (Thanks to Michael Rothfischer for the patch.) 0.7.3 (Mon Feb 5 2007) - Plugin now works for people whose database table prefix is not the default "wp_". (Thanks to Paul Argoud for the bug report.) 0.7.2 (Sun Feb 4 2007) - Updated for Wordpress 2.1. It should continue to work for Wordpress 2.0 - Fixed a bug where pages would sometimes not be shown. (Thanks to Nancy Shoemaker for the bug report.) 0.7.1 - Comments management page now shows names, emails, and comments. (Thanks to Paul Argoud for the bug report.) 0.7.0 - Added an option to show the title of a post but hide its body text. (Thanks to Martin for the feature suggestion.) - Fixed a bug where static pages would be hidden. (Thanks to Keith for the bug report in the 0.6.1 post comments.) 0.6.1 - Fixed a bug where categories with special characters like "'" would incorrectly have a padlock on them, even if they aren't protected. (Thanks to Kyle Kosup for the bug report.) - Fixed pagination bugs, so that if posts are hidden, posts from later pages will be pulled up to the current page to replace them. 0.6.0 - Added an option to reveal the title and links for a hidden post in the feeds. (Thanks to Robert Sandie for the suggestion.) 0.5.3 - Fixed a problem where per-user category settings still weren't being set properly. Hopefully it's fixed for good now. (Thanks to Mark for the bug report.) - Fixed a problem where pages would be hidden if the default category was hidden. (Thanks to Joost Dijkstra for the original bug report, and to Mark for finding the source of the problem.) 0.5.2 - Fixed some warnings created in the last release. (Thanks to Lane Robinson for the bug report.) 0.5.1 - Fixed a bug where changes to category access on a per-user basis would sometimes not be reflected in the updated page. (Thanks to John Geddes for the bug report.) - Added support for preventing comments for hidden posts from showing up in the comments RSS. (Thanks to Super Ann for the bug report.) 0.5.0 (Wed Apr 5 2006) - People with the category management capability (typically Editors and Administrators) now have access to all categories regardless of visibility settings. (Thanks to Paul Magnowski for the feature suggestion.) - New option to show a post if the user can view any of the categories, rather than all of them. (Thanks to Paul Magnowski for the feature suggestion.) - A post will now be hidden if its category, OR ANY PARENT CATEGORY is protected. (Thanks to Paul Magnowski for the feature suggestion and patch.) - Fixed a bug where multiple categories would not be excluded--just one. (Many thanks to Pierre Lauvergnier for the bug report and fix.) - If a person selects categories that they do not have access to when editing or writing a post, these categories are removed. If no categories remain, the post is put into the uncategorized category and not published. (Thanks to David Katz for the patch.) - Added check all and uncheck all buttons to the categories checkboxes on the options page. (Thanks to David Katz for the patch.) 0.4.2: - Instructions now make it clear that the plugin directory must be 'category-access'. (Thanks to Brian Schwartz for the bug report.) - Fixed a bug that would cause an SQL error message to appear. (Thanks to pierre@lauvergnier.com for the bug report.) 0.4.1: - Added support for filtering navigational links. (Thanks to Livio Federspiel for the bug report.) 0.4.0: - Updated to avoid using levels, which are no longer supported by Wordpress 2.0. - Renamed to reflect this change - Moved per-user configuration to the user profile page 0.3.3: - Added GPL license file. 0.3.2: - User level on categories is now superscript instead of parentheses. 0.3.1: - Fixed a bug where the "reset all options" button wouldn't properly display the cleared checkboxes. - Moved the update button closer to the post message textbox - Suboptions are now disabled if the top-level "show private messages" and "show private categories" checkboxes are cleared. - Fixed a bug where the category list would not be processed correctly. 0.3.0: - Added management page interface. - Fixed a bug where the user level would not be shown in the category list. - Created a directory for the plugin, and moved changelog to CHANGES.txt and other notes to README.txt - Moved the padlock into the plugin directory for easier installation. 0.2.1: - Changes to the layout of the padlock icon and default settings. 0.2.0: - New option to remove categories from the category list for which the user does not have permission to view. - The plugin now provides more fine control over the display of padlocks and user level requirements in both the posts list and the categories list. - Hiding categories requires Wordpress 1.5.2. - 0.1.3: (First?) public version